I have always considered Queen palms, Syagrus romanzoffiana, to be a little bit cold-sensitive. But last nights 25 degree temps didn't seem to affect them very much. The row on the right are all 2 year old Queen Palms - but even the one year old Queens seemed to do okay last night. Notice how toasted the Royal palms, Roystonea, in the left row are! And most of the large specimens around town are already sporting toasted-brown leaves. Time will tell whether they they are a loss or not.
Today was clear and beautiful and that bodes poorly for tonights temps. We've been hoping some cloud cover would roll back in from the Gulf of Mexico. That not only lessens the chance for frost but raised the overnight lows a few degrees. Tonight is supposed to get down to 28 or 29. At least we had that cold snap in early December to help harden the plants a bit.
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