Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Live Oak Tree Recipients

I didn't realize how fun it would be to notify all the organizations that have been awarded our 100 free live oaks.  Thanks everyone for applying!   And the recipients of our 100 Trees for 100 Years are:
Austin Elementary
Ben Milam Elementary
Bonham Elementary
Bonita Park Head Start
Borderland Calvary Chapel
Boys & Girls Club of San Benito
Bowie Elementary
Cameron County Irrigation District #2
City of San Benito
Food Bank of the RGV
Har-Tex 4-H Club
Harlingen Arts & Heritage Museum
Harlingen C.I.S.D.
Harlingen Chamber of Commerce
Harlingen Economic Development Corporation
Harlingen High School
Harlingen Proud
Hispanic Genealogy Group/Tip-O-Tex Genealogy Society
Iglesia Christiana Emmanuel
Keys Academy
La Nueva Jerusalem
Lamar Elementary
Marine Military Academy
Memorial Middle School
Miller Jordan Middle School
Rangerville Baptist Church
Rodriguez Elementary
Sam Houston Elementary
San Benito C.I.S.D.
Secunda Iglesia Presbiteriana
St. Anthony Catholic Church
Sunny Glen Children's Home
Texas State Technical College
The Saint Paul Academy
Treasure Hills Elementary
Wesley United Methodist Church
Wilson Elementary

How great to have these 100 trees added to the landscapes of our schools, churches, and parks next month!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tree Care for the First Two Years

Your trees will need extra care for the first two years while they are establishing a healthy root system.  Below is an explanation of our planting procedure and your care instructions.


1. Dig a hole twice as wide and the same depth as the root ball. If you have heavy clay soil, mix your dirt and a planting mix ½ and ½.

2. Cut and completely remove the bag from oak trees. For mountain laurels, if you cannot remove the bag entirely, remove the bottom and cut the sides of the Rootmaker bag carefully in many places for the roots to grow through.

3. Plant the tree so that the top of the root ball is at or slightly above the surrounding soil level. DO NOT COVER THE CROWN OF YOUR TREE’S TRUNK WITH DIRT.

4. TAMP THE SOIL MIX FIRMLY around the root ball, eliminating all air pockets.

5. Make a deep basin of soil to retain water. WATER DEEPLY & THOROUGHLY.

6. MULCH (but the mulch should not touch your tree’s trunk)

7. DO NOT FERTILIZE your newly planted tree for at least one year.


A large tree probably needs to be staked for the first year. This will keep the tree stable in our high springs winds, allowing it to establish a good root system in its new home. We stake with 3 or 4 posts placed at an angle around the planting bed. Twine is used to attach major branches to the posts. Before tying, thread a cut piece of garden hose. Place the hose beside the bark to protect it. Do not forget to remove your stakes after the first season!


Newly planted trees must be watered thoroughly for the first five (5) days after planting. This settles the soil and removes air pockets in the soil and from around the tree.

Supplemental watering is extremely important during the first two years, especially during times of high winds, high temperatures, and low rainfall. If your tree does not get enough water, the overall health of the tree will be adversely affected.

The biggest problem facing your tree is the lack of water. Your tree will exhibit certain signs when it has been under or over waters.

Symptoms of Under-watering: Leaves are dry and crumble; they could be borwn or light green. Leaves voluntarily fall off.

Symptoms of Over-watering: Leaves discolor but do not drop or come off easily. Leaves do not crumble and will fold in your hand.

When does a tree need water?
Whenever the rootball is dry. You can determine this by feeling the soil around the rootball to a depth of 3’ – 6’. I dig a shovel deep and feel the soil. If it is dry, then thoroughly water the entire root ball.

How much water is needed?
Your tree will require a thorough soaking at least once a week depending on the weather conditions. Your tree is thoroughly soaked when the water has absorbed and starts to puddle around the root ball. Let the soil dry between waterings, especially clay soil.

How should I water the tree?
Trees prefer to be watered slowly and deeply. The water should be about the width of a pencil when it leaves the hose. Use a hand-held hose or a soaker hose and water directly onto the root ball. The easiest method is to lay a water hose 1-2 feet from the trunk. Move the hose around the root ball as it becomes thoroughly soaked. You can also purchase slow-release watering bags, such as Tree Gators.

If I use automatic sprinklers, how long should it be set?
During hot months, sprinklers with pop-up heads should be set for at least 20 minutes; rotary heads for 1 hour. During cooler months, pop-up heads should be set for 15 minutes; rotary heads for 45 minutes. Do not rely on your sprinkler system alone to provide adequate water, especially during our hot summer months.


When first planted, water every other day for 3 months. Water twice a week for the next 3 months, then once a week or as needed.

The first 3 months, water deeply twice a week from June to September and once a week the rest of the year. After 3 months, water once every 2 weeks or as needed. Clay soils tend to hold water so be careful of letting your live oak stand in water. If you’re unsure, dig in the tree’s bed to see whether or not the dirt is wet.

YELLOW LEAVES – too much water
BROWN LEAVES – not enough water

Monday, January 11, 2010

RGV Urban Forestry Conference

Our 4th annual Urban Forestry Conference is right around the corner.   Held at the McAllen Convention Center on January 21st, this looks to be a day filled with great information for tree professionals and gardeners alike.   The cost is $40 per person (lunch included) and pre-registration is due this Thursday.   Topics range from Palm Tree & Broadleaf Trimming to Bugs in the Urban Forest to Tree Species Selection for the Urban Forest.   A flyer can be downloaded here.   Presenters are experts in their field and this promises to be a very interesting event. 

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Freeze Damage?

I have always considered Queen palms, Syagrus romanzoffiana, to be a little bit cold-sensitive.  But last nights 25 degree temps didn't seem to affect them very much.  The row on the right are all 2 year old Queen Palms - but even the one year old Queens seemed to do okay last night.   Notice how toasted the Royal palms, Roystonea, in the left row are!   And most of the large specimens around town are already sporting toasted-brown leaves.  Time will tell whether they they are a loss or not. 

And if you look closely at the picture on the right, you see the burned leaves of the Clustering fishtail palms, Caryota mitis.   
Today was clear and beautiful and that bodes poorly for tonights temps.  We've been hoping some cloud cover would roll back in from the Gulf of Mexico.  That not only lessens the chance for frost but raised the overnight lows a few degrees.  Tonight is supposed to get down to 28 or 29.    At least we had that cold snap in early December to help harden the plants a bit.