This week, Simmons Oak Farms added a Live Oak, Quercus virginiana, to the Cameron County Master Gardener Arboretum. The planting bed is surrounded by sidewalk that leads up to the outdoor classroom. What a pleasant stroll it will be up that sidewalk when it's shaded by oak branches.
We have a new tool that removes the RootMaker bag from the rootball. Attached to a power drill, it rips the bag right off
, disturbing the roots much less than removing it by hand. This is the first time that we ever used a Treegator. This tree has a 5" caliper trunk so we zipped two together. They each will hold 20 gallons of water. The "gator" then emits the water over the next 8 hours - slowly soaking the rootball - RIGHT where it's needed. According to the instructions, a once weekly irrigation is all you need to get your shade tree well established.

We did purchase a box of these Treegators and will have them available for customers who might need one or two. One of the best things is that it is re-usable (and guaranteed for two years).